i am: ☁︎ sad ☁︎ ☁︎ content ☁︎ ☁︎ a lawyer ☁︎ ☁ father to a cat ☁ ☁︎ de-personalized ☁︎ ☁ inhumanly emotionless ☁ ☁ a potential felon in a fun way ☁ ☁︎ an economic liability to the state ☁︎ ☁ wishing i was somewhen else most of the time ☁︎
i want: ☽ to caramelize an entire onion ☽ ☽ all states to fall ☽ ☽ to know absolutely everything ☽ ☽ another cat ☽ ☽ the recipe for a planet ☽ ☽ a break ☽ ☽ suit of chain mail armor ☽